Windows 10: Extend Lock Screen Timeout


How to change the time when the display turns off when your PC is lockedfull backup of your PC before proceeding. You've been warned!
  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command, type regedit, and click OK to open the registry.
  2. Browse the following path:


  3. On the right side, double-click the Attributes DWORD.
  4. Change the value from 1 to 2.
  5. Click OK.

These steps only enabled the option on Windows 10 called "Console lock display off timeout." Now the only thing left to do is to customize this option to any time you want. To do this, use these instructions:

  1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Power Options.
  2. Click the Change plan settings link for the selected plan.

  3. Click the Change advanced power settings link.

  4. On Advanced settings, scroll down and expand the Display settings.
  5. You should now see the Console lock display off timeout option, double-click to expand.
  6. Change the default time of 1 minute to the time you want, in minutes.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK to complete the task.

Once you complete the steps, you can test the new settings by locking your computer (Windows key + L keyboard shortcut), and now the screen shouldn't turn off until the time you set expires.

At any time, you can revert the changes by following the previous steps, but this time, on step 4 change the registry value key from 2 to 1.