WYNTK: Dropbox

Dropbox Business operates as a shared space for your entire Dropbox Business team, like a shared drive. We call it the team space:


Adding files and folders to the team space is the best way to share them with your team members, whether you want to share it with your entire team, or just a few specific people. You can hover over any folder in the team space and click “share” to add or remove people from the folder. Only users and groups that appear as members of each folder can access its contents. Note that you can share any folder in the team space with anyone– they don't need to be a member of your Dropbox Business team.

Additionally, each member of your Dropbox Business team has access to their own member folder:


Content in the member folder defaults to being private to each team member, though they can share it with anyone they want. Additionally, folders that users outside of your Dropbox Business team share with your team members will be stored in the recipient’s member folder to ensure it’s not shared with other team members accidentally.

Member folders are colored purple to differentiate them from the team space, and they’re automatically named after each team member.

If you want to share something you own in your member folder with your team, you can move it into the team space by clicking on the […] next to it and selecting “move”, or by dragging and dropping it using the Dropbox desktop client.

Furthermore, you can rename or move any of your shared folders; however, this change will affect your account only. Dropbox will not rename or move the shared folder in any other Dropbox account.

This feature allows users more control over the organization of files and folders in their Dropbox folder. It also prevents unwarranted confusion should the folder be renamed without the member's knowledge or should the name be changed maliciously.

It is possible to rename a shared folder but it requires a few steps. To rename a shared folder you'll need to unshare the folder, rename the folder, and then re-invite all of the members to the shared folder.

For more information on managing shared folders, visit the Help Center article:
