WYNTK: Spam Titan

We're implementing a new spam filtering system for the email due to the barrage of junk messages this year.

Here's what you need to know:

#1: You'll receive a daily spam report at 7 AM

  • The 'Junk folder' will no longer be used in Outlook. If the message is not in your Inbox, then it's either in the spam quarantine, or was never received.
  • You'll receive a 'spam report' delivered to your inbox everyday at 7 AM. The report will consist of the emails quarantined by the system in the previous 24 hours. The emails are listed in descending order of spam score with the least suspicious emails on the top.

  • Next to each email are three buttons - Deliver, Whitelist, and Delete - All you need to do is click on the appropriate button. There's no need to log into a portal. 

Here are the choices in detail:

  • Deliver - This will deliver the message one-time - Use this if you want have the email delivered to your inbox, but you're not sure who it's from or what it contains.
  • Whitelist - This will add the sender to the 'always allow' list telling the system to never quarantine messages from this sender moving forward.
  • Delete - No need to ever use this as the system will delete messages after 30 days.

#1B: (Optional) You can check your quarantined messages on-demand

If you would like access to the spam portal (i.e. so you can check the quarantine on demand, or review quarantined messages over the past 30 days), you can do so at any time by going to:


You'll need to enter your email address and password (You may want to bookmark this website for future use.)


IMPORTANT: If you don't know your password - or if this is the first time you're using the portal - click the 'Forgot your Password?' link, enter your email address, click 'Send', and a new password will be emailed to you. You can change the password once you log into the portal.


If you need further assistance, please let us know (contact info below).

#2: Greylisting: Initial vetting of senders

  • This is a one-time security check performed on senders filtering through the system for the first time.
  • How does this impact you?
    • Experience a 15-20 minute delay before the email is delivered to your Inbox.
    • We've found that this mostly impacts emails related to 'password resets' or receipts from vendors (i.e. Amazon) for the first time on the new system.
    • Again, this is a one-time initial 'background check' and will not affect emails moving forward.

#3: The system is not perfect

  • The new system is full-featured and can be adjusted by our staff on a granular level.
  • However, it is not perfect, so you must use your judgement before clicking on any links or attachments on any suspicious emails.

#4: Recognizing fraudulent emails

  • Look at the sender's email address (not name) - Does the email address look suspicious?
  • Hover over (do not click) the links embedded in the email - This will show you the URL (internet address) the link would send you to if you were to click on it - Does it look suspicious?
  • If you're not sure, NEVER hesitate to ask us (Contact info below).

If you have any questions, you can reach us at 914-747-5686 or email support@digiboon.com.
