WYNTK: Office 365

<< >> Staff –

We will be migrating your email system this weekend from your existing << service or ‘in-house’ server >> to Office 365. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Before leaving for the weekend:

  • Please save and close any open programs and/or documents, but DO NOT power off your computer as we will need to remote in.

Migration: Begins on <<Friday November 2nd>> at 6 PM

  • After 6 PM, please do NOT use your work email on either your desktop nor on your mobile device – failure to do so may result in loss of email

Access to email over the weekend

  • You can safely access your work email using the Outlook web portal: https://portal.office.com to send/receive messages
  • If you need to access/use your work computer during the migration process, please let me know as soon as possible by email (support@digiboon.com) or text (914-841-7927).

Mobile Devices

  • You will need to (a) delete your existing OR mailbox from your mobile device and (b) re-add it using your email address and password once the migration is complete
  • You should be able to do so effective Saturday after 12 PM, but it would be best to text me (914-841-7927) to verify before doing so. Otherwise, we can address the mobile devices on Monday.
  • Your password should be the same as it is now – If you don’t know it you can text/email me


  • Contacts within your ‘Contacts’ folder will migrate over
  • Distribution groups within your contacts folder will NOT migrate over – Please document or specify which groups you will need – if any and we can recover them
  • Auto-completed (i.e. the email addresses that auto-populate as you type a new email) contacts will NOT be migrated over

Shared Calendars

  • Any shared calendars will need to be re-shared after the migration (i.e. next week)

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.