WYNTK: Entrusted Mail

Email encryption, provided by Entrusted Mail, has been set up on each of the email accounts. 

In order to send an encrypted email, all you need to do is add the word 'encrypt' at the end of the subject line. Doing so will encrypt the message body and any attached files/documents. This can be done within Outlook, from your phone, the web portal, etc.

If the recipient has a modern email server (i.e. hosted with Office 365, gmail, etc.), as most do at this point, the email will be delivered as expected, and the email will be tagged with a small blue bar saying something along the lines of 'Encrypted using Zix'. Please refer to the attached screenshot (Example A). They may alternatively see a footer stating that the message has been encrypted by Zix.  

Example A: An encrypted email delivered to a recipient with a modern email server:

Recipients using antiquated email systems (i.e. AOL), will receive an email saying something along the lines of '<<Example person>> has sent you an encrypted email' along with a link for them to retrieve the message. The recipient will then need to log into a web portal (initially creating an account) in order to view the message. Please refer to the 2nd attached screenshot (Example B). 

Example B: An email sent to a recipient with an older email system (i.e. AOL):


  • The above only applies to encrypted messages, so if you send a normal email to AOL, they will receive the message.
  • The system automatically scans outbound emails for sensitive data (i.e. credit card info, language containing PII) and if detected, will (should) automatically encrypt the outbound message. In the event you want to force the outbound email to be delivered without encryption, just add the word 'unencrypt' as the last word of the subject line.
  • Messages sent inner-office are not encrypted as they never leave the server. This is by design. 

In the upcoming weeks, you will receive a Docusign email from Entrusted Mail to set up the agreement and settle the billing as you're currently on a 30-day trial.

Please test it out when you get a chance and let us  know if you have any questions or run into any issues. 

We can also schedule a live walk through if you prefer. Thanks.

Phone | 914-747-5686 or 
Email | support@digiboon.com