Worldox: Office (Word, Excel) not saving to Worldox

New installs of Office might not have the appropriate folders under the %appdata%\microsoft\word and Excel folders like below:




It may be the Worldox Excel template is not listed in the local %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART folder on the workstation.

Navigate to locally to %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel there should be an XLSTART folder here.


If not, you can manually create it.

Once there close Excel if open and then relaunch Worldox which should then detect the XLSTART folder and automatically deploy the integration template.


In that example that's the 64-bit MSOffice integration template but if Kristen has MSOffice 32-bit installed the template that would get deployed would be a @WD4EXCELF.xlam copy.


In order to resolve, Open Word and Excel and then close the apps.

This will generate the necessary folders

Close and restart Worldox.

Upon load, it should push out the templates to the respective folders



Test it out afterwards.  You should see the Worldox ribbons
