Worldox: Restoring Missing Quick Profiles in Outlook

A user’s personal INI file will be in two locations:  Local and network:

In GX4, are user will have two files as their personal setting file.  One is the INI file and the other is the INA file.

Local: %appdata%\worldox

Network: *Worldox program folder on the network*\shared\userinis

In order to restore, please do the following:

  • 1.     Close Worldox
  • 2.     Rename both INI files from both locations
  • 3.     Restore the INI file from your last known backup to both locations
  • 4.     Start Worldox.

In order to start “fresh,” please do the following:

  • 1.     Close Worldox
  • 2.     Rename both INI files from both locations
  • 3.     Start Worldox.
  • 4.     You should now have a fresh INI/INA file in the local location with a size of 1KB or so.