Storagecraft: Image Manager FAQ

Is there a way to increase the default 1CPU, 2 GB RAM for the virtual boot? If not, is that roadmap for a future release? 

This has been added in ShadowXafe.  Right now for SPX, while creating virtualboot, choose NOT to start the machine after it is created.  Then you can go into the settings of the machine (in the respective hypervisor manager) and change the resources as needed.

If we increase the number of VB machine concurrently processed (i.e. maximum managed folders processed simultaneously) is it a matter of ensuring the BDR has enough cores/RAM to handle the number of simultaneous machines? 
I think you are talking about Advanced Verification…if so, I give this a qualified yes.  It would be best to vboot the number of machines you anticipate to run at the same time…track the time it takes to get to the login screen, and use that as a starting point for the Adv Verification.  Otherwise, if the machine is not quite up….you may get a screenshot of it booting.
If IM is verifying the integrity of the backup chain daily, and running VB daily or weekly, why would we want to run the additional 'advanced verification using chkdsk'? If the machine boot virtual (proved by the screenshot), isn't this redundant or am I missing something? 
A lot can happen after the login screen.  If there are bad sectors on the harddrive that are not part of the boot process, you may not know until you try to login.  This is another step to assist in catching that type of issue.
When replicating to Local drive (i.e. D: to L:) - assuming we select the option 'No' to if a second IM is at target and checking off 'Replicate all consolidated files' as well as intra-daily' - is this essentially 'blind-faith' that the replicated copy is bootable? 
Not necessarily bootable….the only way to tell whether it is bootable is by testing.  It is blind faith that the image files are the same and have not been corrupted.  File verification checks to see if anything has happened to the file itself (bit rot etc).