Untangle: Restore from backup

Prep new Untangle

  • Configure network interfaces
  • Upgrade OS
  • Register with Command Center

On another machine:

  • Log into Command Center
  • Pull down Cloud Backup file from old device
  • Save to USB
  • Transfer subscription

On new appliance

  • Goto Config > System > Restore
  • Restore Options: Restore all except keep current network settings

Additional notes (as per Untangle support)

The restore process is the same, the only thing you need to be on the lookout for is how it maps the NICs. I would suggest having a monitor/keyboard/mouse plugged directly into the device so that way you can verify the NIC mapping once the restore is complete. This is the only thing that could be different between the devices because of the hardware itself being different.

One thing I always recommend on custom hardware, is to purchase a multiple port NIC and disable the onboard. This will stop any issues you may have with NIC's remapping on reboot due to the way they are seen in debian.

The restore process is in the article I linked, you still just need to access the new device in Config > System > Restore and upload the backup you have either downloaded locally or downloaded from Command Center.

Restoring from Backup in Command Center

With custom hardware its honestly hard to know how they will map with the restore. As long as you have enough ports they'll all map, its hard to know what order they will map in however. That is why I suggested having a physical connection available before running the restore so you can access the network settings and adjust the interfaces themselves if needed.

All VPN's and port forwards will be brought over from the restore.