How do I set up automatic replies on the Office 365 Outlook Web App?

How do I set up automatic replies on the Office 365 Outlook Web App?

This FAQ was last modified on: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 11:25am

1. Log in to

2. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner of the web app window.

Outlook web app options icon.

3. On the drop down menu, click on Options.

Outlook web app options drop down menu.

4.  The Options menu pane will appear on the right side of the web app screen, click on Automatic replies.

Outlook web app options menu pane.

5. Select "Send automatic replies".

6. Click on the "Send replies during this time period" check box.

7. Specify the time period during which you wish to send automatic replies.

Outlook web app automatic reply settings (to internal senders).

8. On the textbox, enter the automatic reply message you wish to send.

9. Scroll down, there should be a check on "Send automatic reply messages to senders outside of my organization"

10. "Send replies to all external senders" should also be selected.

Outlook web app automatic replies settings (to external senders).

11. Copy and paste the message you previously entered into the text box or enter a new message if you wish to send a different reply to senders within your organization.

12. Click Save.

Outlook web app automatic replies save icon.