WYNTK: LucidLink



Contact Rich Werhun - Sales Engineer 570-417-2169 or 570-991-5157


Separate file spaces for data and backups (recommended)

Built-in/subscribe within LucidLink dashboard

  • IBM (Files) - Advanced
  • Wasabi (Backups) - Basic

NOTE: For fast connection, can use file space with 1 MB (as opposed to 256kb chunks - only for good internet connections

Manage Filespace Users (Must be done using Desktop client)


Create a Snapshot Schedule for your Filespace (GUI)

**Lucidlink will now be billing for snapshots as of 2022-09 **

Backup Filespaces use the following snapshots (Keep total under 300):

  • Hourly - 168 (7 days)
  • Daily - 30-90 (30-90 days)

This will avoid excessive billing for more than 1 month due to deleted backup chains (snapshots)

NOTE: Deleting snapshot schedule does NOT destroy snapshots. It creates snapshots and schedule garbage collector

  • On new setups, delete default schedule, and create one from above
  • If created later (i.e. after initial snapshit schedule runs), manually delete snapshots older than longest retention period (i.e. 30 days) to avoid excess billing/lingering snapshots
  • Preserve snapshots (i.e. cybersecurity), just delete the schedule. Snapshots will remain as long as filespace is pad for

File server replacements use the following snapshots:

  • 15 minutes - Retention of 16 (4 hours). 
  • Hourly - 168 (7 days)
  • Daily - 36 (1 month)
  • Weekly - 28 (6 months)
  • Monthly - 13 (1 year)
  • Yearly - 1+ (Based on company policy)

Lucidlink supports a maximum of 300 snapshots allowed for a Filespace. (Above is 261 + yearly)

Create a Snapshot Schedule for your Filespace (Command Prompt)


lucid snapshot-schedule --list - Lists current snapshot schedule (Must be logged in as root)
Template (Files)
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "A-15 minutes R-4hours" --interval 15m --retention 16 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "B-Hourly R-1week" --interval 1h --retention 168 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "C-Daily R-1month" --interval 1d --retention 36 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "D-Weekly R-1Q" --interval 1w --retention 14 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "E-Monthly R-1Y" --interval 1mo --retention 13 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "F-Yearly R-7y" --interval 1y --retention 7 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
Template (Backups)
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "B-Hourly R-1week" --interval 1h --retention 168 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
lucid snapshot-schedule --create "C-Daily R-1month" --interval 1d --retention 36 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
(Optional) lucid snapshot-schedule --create "D-Weekly R-1Q" --interval 1w --retention 14 --start 2000-12-31T00:00
(Optional) lucid snapshot-schedule --create "E-Monthly R-1Y" --interval 1mo --retention 13 --start 2000-12-31T00:00

The above snapshot schedule is an example, and should be modified to suit your retention needs. You will now see snapshots start showing up every 15 minute mark when you run  lucid snapshot --list.

ID State Name Created On
1 valid Hourly 2019-06-20 12:00
2 valid 15 minutes 2019-06-20 12:15

Should you wish to delete a snapshot schedule you can run  lucid snapshot-schedule --delete <name>. Note that you may have to delete previously created snapshots individually using lucid snapshot --delete <id>.

Locking Filesystem extensions (Command Prompt) - May no longer need - Specifically QuickBooks

We do have a support for "on open" locking on Windows. While this is a generic functionality, it's behavior might vary depending on the particular implementation of the application (e.g. QuickBooks). From the command prompt you could try to enable a file extension that Lucid will consider for locking:

lucid config --explain --FileSystem.LockingExtensions<br> <br> Key: FileSystem.LockingExtensions<br> Description: Windows only. File extensions for which locking will be applied on open. Empty string disables file locking.<br> Value constraints: Windows only. List of comma separated strings e.g. ("docx,pptx,rvt"). Empty string disables file locking.<br> Default value: rvt,dwl,dwl2,dwt,dwg,pptx,xlsx,doc,docx

You can see which file extensions are considered by default for locking including some of the more popular applications (e.g. Word, Excel).

For example if you'd like to add .qbw extension you could run the following command from the command prompt while logged in the filespace as a root user:

lucid config --set --global --FileSystem.LockingExtensions "doc,docx,dwl,dwl2,dwt,dwg,ppt,pptx,qbb,qbw,rvt,txt,xls,xlsx"

Note that I've added the --global flag to the --set command so that any PC logged in to this filespace will read and apply this configuration. For using the --global flag you'll need to be logged in as a root user to the filespace.

Storagecraft Backups
  • Adjust local cache to accommodate largest spf/cm file - Mind size of 'C' drive - Will need to clear in between SPFs and periodically - Adjust accordingly
  • Monitor upload with desktop client (Resource monitor)
  • Set ImageManager to use mapped drive ('L')
  • Adjust Upload (and Download) rate so it doesn't monopolize bandwidth - Run speed test, cut in half, divide by 8
  • Adjust 'Maximum upload/download connections' - especially if limited bandwidth - to avoid overrunning buffer (higher number for 4k; lower number for large files, limited bandwidth)


  1. DataCache.Size = largest spf/cm file - ensure enough free space
  2. FileSystem.MountPointWindows - or - FileSystem.DefaultMountPointScheme
  3. ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate = Leave enough headroom for remote access, cameras, etc. - MB to Mb (8:1)
  4. ObjectScheudle.MaxUploadRate = same as above  

Current settings

  • lucid config --list (shows you what you changed)
  • lucid config --explain (Lists of available commands)

Data Cache Size (Max 1 TB)

lucid cache --info - Lists current cache size - default is 5 GB
** Do not exceed local cache file if 'C' drive does not have enough space - Otherwise need to re-locate cache - 
https://lucidlink.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000146126-link-file-space-with-specific-cache-location - root-path option
lucid config --set --DataCache.Size 100G 

lucid deactivate 

lucid activate
Clearing local cache
  1. lucid perf --cache cachedBytes (Shows how much is in cache)
  2. lucid cache --off
  3. lucid cache --on

Check Latency
  • lucid latency

Change Cache Location
  1. Exit LucidLink client
  2. Move default .lucid folder (C:\) to new location - Needs to be gone from original location prior to running command
  3. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
  4. mklink /d <original-location>\.lucid <new-location>\.lucid (Example: mklink /d C:\Users\administrator.RSI\.lucid D:\.lucid) - Creates a symbolic link in original location (.lucid)
  5. Open LucidLink client
  6. Adjust cache size accordingly (using GUI) - Requires reconnect of filespace

Setting Drive Letter (Windows)
  1. lucid config --set --FileSystem.MountPointWindows \\lucid\wasabi-backups;L: (NOTE: Add '--global' option will impact ALL file space users as opposed to only local)
  2. lucid unmount
  3. lucid mount

Mount as drive letter (One-time)
  • lucid unmount
  • lucid mount l:

Controlling Bandwidth
By default, LucidLink will eat up as much available bandwidth - can change the connections on the fly 
  1. lucid config --set --ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate 50M
  2. lucid config --set --ObjectScheduler.MaxUploadRate 10M

** Remember MB to Mb (8:1) so 10M = 80Mbps upload **

Video Editing
Create file space with 1 MB block size (must be done at inception) - assuming good internet connection (FiOS)

Start LucidLink as a Windows service (multiple FileSpace instances)

Non-Sucking Service Manager (NSSM) with LucidLink  


To install

  1. Install NSSM - https://nssm.cc/download - Move nssm.exe to c:\apps
  2. Open Command Prompt as Admin - Navigate to c:\apps (or commands won't work)
  3. nssm install "Lucid (filespace.demo)" "C:\Program Files\Lucid\resources\Lucid.exe" --instance 1 daemon --fs filespace.demo --user root --password 12345 --mount-point L:
  4. nssm start <servicename>

NOTE: Each instance uses a different port (first instance is 0)

To edit:

  1. nssm edit "<servicename>"  - Opens a GUI to edit

To remove:

  1. nssm stop "<servicename>"
  2. nssm remove


May need to stagger the start of multiple filespaces (delayed start within services) - Had pulsing 20 Mb sends