Initial setup

  • You'll receive an invitation email from Digiboon to create your LogMeIn account
  • Click the link and follow the instructions to create a password
  • This password will be used in conjunction with your email address to log into the LogMeIn web portal (https://logmein.com) or the LogMeIn Client (see below)

Complete Guide to LogMeIn Pro

How to remote in (Web Portal) - Initial Setup or First Time Use on a New Computer

From any computer (other than the one you want to remote into), open a browser of your choice and go to https://logmein.com - Click Login in the upper right-hand corner.

Enter your email address and password you created in the invitation email

NOTE: If you forgot your password, you can click 'forgot password' and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.

For users with two-factor authentication, you will be prompted to accept the notification - or enter the six-digit code - from your mobile app (i.e. LastPass Authenticator, Duo Security, Authy, etc).

From there you will be presented with the computers to which you have remote access (it may only be one)

Click on the computer you'd like to remote into.

IMPORTANT: If this is the first time you're using LogMeIn on the remote computer, a program called LogMeIn Client will be downloaded and need to be installed. You may be presented with the following screen while the LogMeIn Client downloads. You can click on 'Remote Control' to get to the following step.

Log in using your local username and password - these are the credentials you normally use to log into the machine when you are physically in front of the computer.
NOTE: There may be a third drop-down box. If there is, make sure it is set to your domain (i.e. DIGIBOON) and NOT to your local computer (i.e. PC1234 (this computer)

How to remote in (LogMeIn Client)

Open the LogMeIn Client app on your local computer

If prompted, sign in using your email address and password you created on the initial setup
NOTE: If you forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking the 'forgot password' link. From there, you'll get an email with a link to reset your password.

If you have two-factor authentication enabled, will need to accept the prompt on your mobile app or enter a six-digit code on the following screen:

From there you will be presented with the computers to which you have remote access

Click on the computer you'd like to remote into (it may only be one) - and click on the first icon to begin a remote session:

Enter your local username and password - the same ones you use to log into the computer when you are physically using it. 
NOTE: If there's a drop-down box, make sure it is set to your company's domain (i.e. DIGIBOON), and not the local workstation (i.e. WRK-001)

Sending Ctrl+Alt+Delete to the remote computer

You may need to send Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote computer to (a) login or (b) open task manager. In order to do so, refer to the below screenshots.

Working with Multiple-Monitors

If you have multiple monitors at the host computer and only one monitor on the remote computer, you will need to toggle between the two host monitors. 

If you have multiple monitors on both the remote and host computer, the recommended setting is to use 'Multi-Monitor' and adjust the windows so you can take advantage of both monitors, as if you're in the office.

Adjusting the resolution

You can adjust the resolution on your remote computer if it appears to be blurry. The recommended setting is 'Match Resolution'

Toggling between full screen

You can toggle between full screen. Refer to the screenshots below.

Remote Printing

If you're set up to print remotely, you can select the printer by accessing the print menu. LogMeIn will default to the remote computers default printer, but you can choose from the drop-down menu.

Complete Guide to LogMeIn Pro

Further Assistance

Users can also make individual appointments with us if they need help at home by emailing support@digiboon.com or calling 914-747-5686.