Storagecraft: Resolving Inaccessible Boot Device After Upgrade Shadow Protect to 6.7.x


Here's what appears to be working for us.

Method 2 - Patch the driver within the Recovery Environment:
Download the patched driver, which is version After the patched driver has been received from support then:

  1. Download the patched driver:
  2. Boot to the StorageCraft® Recovery Environment (either the Windows or Crossplatform version will work). Alternatively, if the volume is a VHD/VHDX, it can be mounted and explored through Hyper-V.
  3. Identify the OS volume within the Recovery Environment (it might not default to C:).
  4. Copy the 2.2.73 driver to %windir%\system32\drivers on the OS volume. Be sure to select the correct version for the operating system in question, either x64 or x86.
  5. Reboot the machine.
  6. If the issue persists, move to the next method.

Method 3 - Edit the registry to remove the driver:

  1. Boot to the Recovery Environment for Windows.
  2. Open Tools > Command Prompt
  3. Type the following command, substituting the correct letter for the system volume as it may be different in the Recovery Environment, and press Enter:
reg load HKLM\SYSTEM_PROD C:\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM
  1. Type in regedit and press Enter. 
  2. In the registry, navigate to:
  1. Search for stcvsm until you find the key for UpperFilter that contains the string stcvsm.
  2. Edit the key and ONLY remove stcvsm, retaining the rest of the text.
  3. Repeat steps 5 through 7 under ControlSet002.
  4. Close the Registry Editor.
  5. Run the following in the command prompt:
  1. Exit and reboot.