How to install to UEFI only machine with no legacy options



- Download latest Untangle ISO (not IMG, ISO).
- Prep USB key by using any number of Windows and other disk management tools to set the disk as GPT (NOT MBR). One way here ->
- Download -
- Run AIOBoot. Select Format to FAT32 and Install Bootloader. Do that.
- Exit AIO.
- Mount the Untangle ISO.
- Copy all the files from the Untangle ISO to the new FAT32 partition on your USB key.
- Boot USB key in target install machine
- Go to GRUB2 config loaders, select the GRUB config related to USB key (probably mounted /dev/sd0 or something).
- Install Untangle, it will bitch about partitioning and bootloader but you can get through it. Select use full disk for partition, skip errors, and skip bootloader errors. It will also ask if you want to continue to install in
UEFI only mode - the answer is YES.
- Done, config USB key as boot drive on machine, and set default to boot the NEW grub2 config thats appeared on your systems drive which is Untangle.