Image Manager Fails to Verify: Consolidate Key File Missing

Try entering the image password (see below) and then 'start processing' job to see if it clears up.

Alternative Solution:

ImageManager fails to verify. Key file not found.

Check to make sure .spk exists. If not, create one inside the backup folder in question.

  1. Launch KeyFileMaker (Start > Program Files (x86) > StorageCraft > ImageManager > KeyFileMaker.exe).
  2. In the KeyFileMaker dialog box, provide the following information, then click Create Key File.
  3. Set password: Specify and confirm the password to store in the Key File
  4. Save Key File As: Specify the name and location for the Key File. You must save the Key File in the same folder with the associated backup image files.
  5. Key File Association: Specify the backup Image Set to be associated with this Key File. Generic Key File: The key file is not associated with any backup image set. Select Generic Key File if all the backup image files in a given folder are part of the same image set.
